========================================================================== INVOICE - Raintree Reservation System ========================================================================== Remit to: MKM Software 2812 Ingrid Lane Metairie, Louisiana 70003 USA - Phone: (713) 488-2436; (504) 885-7470 From: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Your copy of RRS will contain this Site Name -------------| | SITE NAME: _________________________________________ <---| Contact..: _________________________________________ Phone....: _________________________________________ ========================================================================== Qty Description UnitPrice Total ========================================================================== ______ Single user max 50 rooms.................... $ 85 _____________ ______ Single user 51+ rooms....................... $ 125 _____________ ______ Multi user version.......................... $ 175 _____________ S&H (USA & Canada) Qty * $ 4.00 S&H (International) Qty * $ 11.00 Total: _____________ Diskette Size...: 5.25" [ ] or 3.5" [ ] For Credit Card Orders (AmEx, MasterCard, Visa and Discover) please call 1-800-242-4775. Ask for diskette #14092. Outside the US, call 713-524-6394 or Fax this form to 713-524-6398. ========================================================================== For Fax Orders: ========================================================================== Credit Card: Amex [ ] MC [ ] Visa [ ] Discover [ ] Card Number: _______________________________________ Expires: ____________ Signature..: ____________________________________ The Raintree Reservation System Program has been delivered and accepted by the user. Upon receipt of this paid invoice, the latest non-shareware version of the program and printed user manual will be forwarded.